Tekton DIs or Legacy Focus SEs?

I saw on the forum the huge discussion of the Tekton DI speakers after I had been looking at them and the Legacy Focus SEs. I have upgraded my components to many Agoner's advice and I'm now running a Parasound Halo A-21 with a Mac C48 pre, all pushing B&W 802 Matrix 3 speakers. While I love my 802s, I'm frustrated with the lack of rock performance they produce, Jazz is definitely more their forte! Can any of you Agoners who've heard or owned both help me with this dilemma so I can push the button on one of these obviously awesome speakers???Thanx!


Vitop please explain how an AMT is softer sounding than a Soft dome tweeter? 

Never heard a soft dome with more resolution then an AMT or a Ribbon in doing this professionally for 30 years.  Even the much vaulted Scanspeak ring radiator tweeter which goes to 40K supposedly doesn not sound like it. 

If that is what you perceive and the Tekton's work more towards your taste that is great. 

Vitop I would say just the oppostie the Tekton's are the warmer of the two with the Legacy's having a bit more detail.

What does neutral mean to you then? A neutral speaker would not be bright or recessed and in that way the Tekton is very well balanced.

If you think I am not blown away by the Tekton's you are incorrect, fantastic product, each of these systems has a sound, perhaps you were listening to the Legacy's with the treble switch in the cut position? 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Troy And vtop my humble experience in audio is different system different result, why I would claim the speakers are warm sounding in my system because my system is on the warm side..The most obvious is if I change digital cable the sound change too...why at times there is disagreement on our gear characteristics ...my 0.2 cents
@vitop Really glad that you posted your very detailed comparison of the two speakers. I was hoping you would, since you gave both very serious consideration prior to making a choice. I encourage the OP to reach out to Vitop directly because of this.

I’m with @audiotroy on his take of the AMT vs the upper frequencies of the DI.

Like Vitop, I am a fan of the AMT ribbons and based on my memory (I have not done a head to head comparison with the DIs) I find the AMTs to be ’brighter,’ sweeter, airier, and more extended than the DIs implementation of the tweeter.

To me, the DI’s upper frequencies (being less so than what I mention directly above) are therefore closer to neutral, BUT given the differential, I would also describe them as ’warmer’ THAN vs the AMT ribbon (at least the implementations I’ve heard). Therefore, I can understand why Dave describes the DIs as being ’warmer.’ To me this is actually a compliment.

I think Eric’s design makes for a much tougher separation between the mids and the high frequencies because of his tweeter array...which is a really, really, really, really good thing. : )
audiotroy -

I am not sure how to explain how anything is softer than another. I just listen to it and make a determination of how it sounds to me. Probably the same as anyone else I imagine.

What it is supposed to sound like, I don’t know. All I know is how it DOES sound like. And if you take away any preconceptions and do a double blind test, I think many would be surprised.

I like both of these speakers (and I REALLY like the Legacy Aeris). I know I put some hard to resolve dialogue on both speakers and heard them close... heard them far and if I had to pick one over the other for resolution it was the Tekton. That’s all I can tell you. I don’t have charts, graphs, electrical diagrams or anything to "prove" it to you. I just have how it sounded to my ears. If that is something you don;t agree with, that’s fine, but it still sounded the way it did to me.

Neutral to me is that I don’t hear any semblance of harsh or muddy or bassy. It means what I perceive to be clear uncolored sound that does not emphasize highs, mids or lows. Just a very balanced and clean sound without anything that I could hear that was "added" by the speaker.

And I am not going to respond to having to defend my perception of one over the other to you any more. We can talk about what I heard and how it sounded, but I am not really interested in saying I am right or that one is better than the other. The OP asked a question in regards to a comparison of the two speakers and it happens that those two speakers were among my finalists and I really made it a point to compare them so I thought I could help.

That is as far as I want to take it.
David --

The reason I have always purchased ribbon and planer speakers is for the very open, detailed and airy highs and mids. I was predisposed to the Legacy speakers because of that. I ended up being surprised. 

I honestly could not hear that "normal" ribbon differentiation on the Focus.

I did hear it in spades on the Aeris. It has a hybrid open baffle design and the sound was quite remarkable. a 3D audio presentation.

I am not sure how neutral it was. I am still conflicted about it, but I can tell you that I loved it.