I am not sure how to explain how anything is softer than another. I just listen to it and make a determination of how it sounds to me. Probably the same as anyone else I imagine.
What it is supposed to sound like, I don’t know. All I know is how it DOES sound like. And if you take away any preconceptions and do a double blind test, I think many would be surprised.
I like both of these speakers (and I REALLY like the Legacy Aeris). I know I put some hard to resolve dialogue on both speakers and heard them close... heard them far and if I had to pick one over the other for resolution it was the Tekton. That’s all I can tell you. I don’t have charts, graphs, electrical diagrams or anything to "prove" it to you. I just have how it sounded to my ears. If that is something you don;t agree with, that’s fine, but it still sounded the way it did to me.
Neutral to me is that I don’t hear any semblance of harsh or muddy or bassy. It means what I perceive to be clear uncolored sound that does not emphasize highs, mids or lows. Just a very balanced and clean sound without anything that I could hear that was "added" by the speaker.
And I am not going to respond to having to defend my perception of one over the other to you any more. We can talk about what I heard and how it sounded, but I am not really interested in saying I am right or that one is better than the other. The OP asked a question in regards to a comparison of the two speakers and it happens that those two speakers were among my finalists and I really made it a point to compare them so I thought I could help.
That is as far as I want to take it.