Need help selecting a system with Tidal streaming (Maybe MQA) and speakers for around $1k.


Need some help getting this temp system purchased. In about 2 weeks will be moving to a small home in SoCal, then in 6 months back to Pacific NW apartment most likely for 5 months. My room sizes will be small to medium, 10x12-14ft. This will be my system for these two moves then possibly relegated to a bedroom/listed on this site once I get to a permanent location.

My main goal is to limit my expenditure (as I will need to upgrade my old system once I have a permanent place) and spend around $1k for this system. I’m new to digital but streaming seems the way to go so I don’t have to drag around CDs or LPs and I don’t have any high rate digital files, nor do I plan on purchasing many during my traversing the West Coast. I plan on streaming Tidal and was hoping MQA if that fits in the budget and the system is able to perform well enough to discern the MQA difference. I know I could use a computer as a source for this but don’t currently own one and there goes the budget if I purchase a new laptop.

I understand the $1k can be quite limiting and could stretch it a bit but would really like to stay in that ballpark. I started looking at powered speakers, Vanatoo One, Paradigm Shift A2, Audioengine A2+, A5+, HD6 and passives like HDP6, Elac B6, QAcousics 3020, Kef Q150, Monitor Audio Bronze 2, Warfedale Diamond 220 and Focal Aria 905 all because of size, price and recommendation. I haven’t listened to any of these except the Elacs. Not having the time now to listen to some/all these I am asking for some experienced, sage advice on the speakers and whole system direction. I am aware that stand mounted/bookshelf speakers will be a sacrifice in the deep bass( not a bass head anyway) but would like to have some accuracy and a good wide soundstage if possible.

That brings me to the source and I understand it’s based on if I go the powered vs passive speaker route. I’m not sure if it’s possible to go the passive speaker route and still get Tidal streaming and integrated amp for the budget stated. This is where I get stuck, so please respond with your ideas even if it’s to say it can’t be done for the budget I have.

BTW, I listen to mostly rock, jazz, blues, and classical in that order if that helps. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Thanks greatly for your input. Please let me know if this is in the wrong category, since it was about speakers and source wasn’t sure where to post.

@ethos123 Thanks for the summary that's pretty much what I've distilled down the input to be. I'll be going to a local shop that sells new and used equipment to see if any good used separates are available.  

Went to a shop today that recommended a Brio-r with Sonos connect and music fidelity DAC + passive speakers. Even if I get all that used is blows the budget. 

I am leaning toward the Bluesound and powered speaker route though. What I'm hesitant about is will the powered speakers be good enough to warrant worrying about MQA.

Again thanks for the input, greatly appreciated.

@revreed What's the "old system" you're comparing this to and considering upgrading down the line? If your old system's speakers aren't super resolving, then you might not miss lacking MQA anyway since this may sound just as good or better. If your old system is awesome but doesn't have streaming or has an outdated streamer, you can move the Bluesound to it and get a simple chromecast audio for the powered speakers when you're settled for good. You could also start with the chromecast audio and try it on the old system to see what it's capable of before getting anything else (just make sure to change it onto the higher-res setting because that does make a difference)...worst case scenario you're only out $35.

It's good that you're able to visit some shops but a shame they didn't really listen to what your goals were...that kind of advice never happens on this forum :P (I guess I'll forego telling you to forget everything I've said before and get a set of LS50W for $2200). Keep in mind that lots of online and brick & mortar stores have pretty decent return policies so be sure to know what it is for any place you is a hassle to return stuff but better than being stuck with something you aren't happy with. Should be lots of sales over the next few weeks so it's a good time to buy. Best of luck and hope you'll let us know your thoughts once you get everything set up.
One consideration worth noting. Once the decision is made to stream via Tidal, that is a $20 a month expense (discount for students or military). One should ask if it is important to explore all the music available, because that is one of the best advantages of a streaming service.....having a very, very big library of music to explore that keeps growing (MQA titles too). 
@ethos123, Old system is Dahlquist DQ-10 speakers, two Phase Linear 400 amps, Mitsubishi dual monural preamp, sans turntable ( gave to my son), NAD CD, no streamer.

Thanks for the tip on hi-res setting I didn't realize it had that option I assume it's 96/24.
@2psyop yes I have factored in the cost of Tidal and the 2 reasons for just streaming is the exploration of there catalog plus all my lps and CDs are in storage.