The Worst Speaker you have ever heard.

This should be thought provoking. What is the worst speaker, or the most over-rated, over-priced, over-hyped speaker you have ever heard. Have you ever had speakers that you now wished you had kept?
Years ago at a show some exhibitor brought speakers that were horn loaded, with actual horns! Like from a tuba or something. Amazingly dreadful.
How 'bout the Yamaha 'Earspeaker' from the '70's? No, not a set of headphones, but a box speaker, very thin as I recall, and the diaphragm or whatever that made the sound (?) was the shape of the outside of a human ear. And who said the Japanese don't have a sense of humor?
it has to be bill clinton because there is no truth to reality as in a bad speaker. al gore and hilary are close seconds!!!!!!!!