Jadis JA30 Mk2, how great???

The new Jadis JA30 Mk2 is now on my radar. Does anyone here have any experience with this amp...thoughts?

Would seem to be in the sweet spot of the Jadis line.
trelja, Thanks for that. Currently I am utilizing a pair of Siemens 12AU 7 and 12 AX7's...not the standard EH tubes that come stock. I may roll in some Telefunkens or some NOS Mullards ( like I have in my preamp).

@daveyf, I ran the Mullard 12AX7 for a while, and felt happy enough. They took my DA60 up a few steps from the original Ei, and offer a warm, rich sound. Hard to believe, but the dirt cheap Shuguang triple mica 12AX7B aka Silver Dragon handily eclipsed them. In fact, our audio then held a 12AX7 tube shootout at my home, and the Shuguangs placed in the top 3, and beat out some longtime highly regarded tubes. The Shuguang offer a more open, transparent, and balanced presentation, without diverging into harshness or anything unpleasant. Unless you really feel devoted to the pipe and slippers sound, you can skip the Mullards for the Shuguangs. You might also consider the Psvane, which descended from it. I did settle on a vintage 5751 variant, and they actually won the competition. But at about 20X the cost, you wonder if it makes sense.

@inna, I’ve used a variety of loudspeakers with my Jadis amplifiers - Coincident Digital Master w/Troubass subwoofers, Consonance M15 horns, Fried A6 & Studio V & Valhalla, Horning Perikles, Merlin TMS & VSM, Quad ESL57, Tidal Piano, and a few others. I still own the Coincident, Fried, and Quad.  That’s more a reflection of hearing that I owned way too many speakers, and not necessarily a reflection of disliking most of the others
trelja, I see. How would they sound with Focal Utopia, I wonder ? Both are French, and Utopia are high resolution but somewhat bright speakers.
Guys, what era of Jadis are we talking about here? IMHO, the current mk 2 versions have a different sound than in the past. The new KT150’s are, again IMHO, a lot more revealing and full range than any of the prior tubes that I have heard.
When I heard Jadis amps in the past, I thought they all had a slightly too warm signature, however, I do feel that the new versions have gone away from that warmth and added a certain increase in neutrality, that I find exceptional. The mids and highs are still great, although I also think they are resolved more than in the past.
Tube rolling is always a good idea, although IME one has to be careful, as you can go backwards just as easily as you can go forwards.
I’m certainly listening to my current tubes for a while to get really used to their sound before I roll in NOS or other tubes.