Anticables, Morrow Cables SP1 or PNF Cables

These are all roughly the same price – any opinions as to which would be more suited to large orchestral works with bi-wired Quad 11L bookshelf speakers?

I find that the Quads seem struggle with passages of music which involve dense orchestration. Which of these speaker cables might help “open” the sound a little?
tblanka, I don't know about the 6 but I have the 5's. They sound great but I've gone with oyaide tunami which sound better in my system. If you are interested in the 5's i'd sell them for half of Mikes new cost. They are unfortunately just collecting dust now. 
I used Morrow SP4 for five years before upgrading to Gabriel Gold Reflection V2 with rhodium over copper spades. The Morrow’s are quite good! 

I went from Morrow SP4 to SP7, used on my bass drivers on Revel Ultima Studios and  they are significantly better. However for significantly less money for driving mid's & high's I find the Cullen Speaker Cable better, but not as good for bass performance.
@ Boxer12

I may be interested in your SP-5 cables, depending on the length.  If you still have them shoot me a pm.