What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?

Even when making recordings from vinyl to cassette, in some aspects it sounds better, though overall in this particular example the turntable sounds better than the deck. Tape sound appears to have a flow and continuity that vinyl lacks. 
Really gentlemen!....many half truths and non scientific bla bla.
Who was it said that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing...having worked with sound 30yrs and more to the point here Dolby Labs 7yrs i can only that few here actually know what they are talking about....you at least owe it to fellow forum users to research your topics before launching into heated arguments about what are ...it would appear are personal preferences.
Just one more thing..why are we still using CD 16bit 44.1 as a reference when we were promised Digital Versatile Disk as the natuural (DVD)successor...24bit 96k should have followed...and we wouldnt be talking rubbish about retro mediums which somehow have been hyped into fashion(for "fashion"is what it truly is...i mean vinyl ...and i hear cassette is also dragging us back from the future....rediculous...if your Cd sounds worse than vinly then you have either rubbish d to a's or the mastering was a farce......or as is more likely you find dynamucs tiring to listen to.
Cd quality is the nearest you can get ro how the artist and engineers n producers wanted it and HEARD it in the control room.....fact.
Btw....napster and mp3 is the reason our industry has'nt progressed.
We had a whole generation who expectations of sound quality were set lower than cassette....that means no dvd no investment in playback hardware manufacturing no studios recording dvd quality...because their numbers are now so low due to the pc/mac home studio..and of course broadcast...we get DAB.....and thats it...even that is subject to corruption by greedy corps who put 4 stations where 1 was inteded and cut ti bw.!

Now...recovery hopefully...unlimited net bw and disc storage measns no need for compression...mp3..dead and now a new generation and back to 1985 to start again where we left off.
The King is dead
Long live the King :)