Best practices when conducting a DAC comparison

Reaching out for general advice on how Agoners have compared DACs in their own systems.....

....and how you have determined the 'better' or the 'preferred' component, based on your comparison.

This will be my first in-depth comparison.

Feel free to mention whatever you believe will help and stuff I may need to look out for / be aware of.

Thank You.
Why would anybody buy a dac without MQA support? Just a few years ago, you probably had the same naysayers about DSD as you do about MQA. A good DSD cut is far superior than the same 16/44 cut. If you purchase an expensive dac today without MQA support nor the opportunity for a future upgrade, your dac will be a paperweight in just a short period of time. So not only will you be wasting your $, you will be missing out on hearing some great music!

As far as I know, MQA uses a *lossy* compression codec. I have absolutely no desire for a lossy format, in particular because the live music I collect and listen to is *lossless*. So this is why I chose a DAC (Schiit Yggdrasil) without MQA support.
@bigkidz Thanks for your response and the details shared. I generally agree that if one doesn’t pick out differences immediately then it can be a toss up choice (having controlled and equalized the variables as best as possible).

I find this also applies to out of the box performance. If one can pick up differences at that initial point, then they become clearer as a component gets further run-in time on it. This has recently been the case with a couple of components.

I have also had the opposite experiences.

For example, I had to spend much more time A / B -ing to drill out and appreciate differences with a recent USB cable comparison. It was tough and time consuming but well worth it and very educational for me.

In some cases (where there were readily apparent differences upfront) elucidating whether they met my goals and preferences was a drawn out process. This happened with a recent speaker comparison.

I believe our level of listening experience and development of ’hearing’ expertise comes into play as well. Some may be much further along the spectrum, which would make elucidating the differences easier and quicker.
@georgehifi   Is there a 'cheater' way to get close enough? : )

I can do so, if you and others believe it is critically important.
@rbstehno   I have a long history of audio bricks as doorstops. : )

It would have been nice to have. In the end it wasn't a deal breaker for me.
@georgehifi Is there a ’cheater’ way to get close enough? : )

If you do it by ear, you could be as much as 3db out on level matching.
Cheers George