$20K to spend on speakers…. . wait! There’s a catch!


Perfect sense says buy stuff only after you have heard it. Only after an in home audition.

Sometimes we are forced to wing it.

Admit it, best guess trigger pulling happens a bunch because not everything is everywhere.

For some unknown reasons we seem to feel we know what we want or need in spite of never having auditioned it.

Here are a couple scenarios based on a “this thing should work’, “shot in the semi dark” buying practices.

Premise: You have $20K and it MUST be spent entirely on loudspeakers.

Here are the options:
1. The used speakers option.
You have NOT heard them ever. At all. Nada.
The deal here is you’r egetting them for about 50% off retail in quite good esthetic (8/10) condition, excellent working orde according to the seller, and about three - four years old and landed or shipped.

The seller has good feedback. No negatives.

All of the speakers numbers are amenable to your existing power plants. They should do well in your room.

2. brandy new speaker option.

The brand new units you’re paying $20K for include a 25% discount from MSRP and sold by a brick & mortar dealership.

You did hear the brand new ones, but only with modest SS gear and nothing on the level of your own equipment which is tubes, or vice versa for sake of this argument.

These come with warranty. ..and in your color preference.

Lastly, neither of these two sets of speakers are what could be called very popular, loudspeakers. Meaning they aren’t littering the pages of the speaker for sale pages with any regularity.

The carrier arrives. The boxes are fully in tact. No issues at all. Still, there’s a nagging thought. Did I do the right thing?

Shouldn’t I have bought used speakers and obtained still more value given just a bit older speakers sell for much less than MSRP.

Or, I bet I should have bought the new speakers and put up with another long run in.

Man! I hope I did not messs this up!!

What is your choice and why?

Thanks for the ideas and insights..

Or you could possibly call Sound Organization in Texas.  They are the ProAc importers for the US.  They might be able to setup a listening session for you or an extended return window?
@phusis > Funny thread. Would active speakers be granted access to this experiment?

Blindjim > it is unconditional …. Any sort.. any tech… its about tactics not about types.

Albeit, mentioning brands and models has its value too. Especially if it/they coincide with the idea being demonstrated herein.

ATC, Meridian, Focus Aries, etc. would then all come in under the buy it new prospect I suppose. Albeit not at much of a discount.

Being more general seemed the best path as I try to put up threads that could help more than just myself.

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@salectric > I like JOND's suggestion too. A set of custom high efficiency speakers

Blindjim > Hmmm. I missed that, or misread it. Thanks for the reminder.

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@sbrownnw > the sound of string and double reed instruments will blow you away…. D48 with the ribbon tweeters brand new on ebay for $12000

> you could possibly call Sound Organization in Texas. They are the ProAc importers

Blindjim > Cool. I thought these 48s were more pricey than 12K. I might have misunderstood. Looking for a review I could not find one readily available online.

I’m guessing the R = same tower but with Ribbon tweet?

Wanna check out a special tweet, check out the Lanch 7 review in TAS from a while back. Whoa.
Thanks again.

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@twoleftears > Check out milpai's posts.

Blindjim > is that the one with the talk about a few other Pros? 30, 40, 48R etc.? it had 50+ posts. I read that earlier today or when I posted here last. The one I read made mention of various power options and I think was fairly recent too.

I’ve never run across any PROAC dealer in my state. Which is not a deal breaker as was said.

This thread of course, is really about how one would go about buying some pretty costly speakers in the semi dark.

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So far, the best “all in’ plan seems the buy used getting as much ‘built in’ value to performance ratio as is possible. Then blend accordingly..

Shaken. Not stirred.lol

Two more outlines are as interesting.
1 Get a kicking amp. Garnish to taste. An attractive direction especially given my ideas on audio. Although, its not germain and can’t be a true option for purposes of this topic’s thrust. Crap.

Of course, one can always rush out and use that as your own template. Nobody is gonna tell on you. lol

2 My own orig concept when first starting out here years back. Jump into the mix somewhere and step up accordingly, when appropriate. This one however has to be dis qualified as it doesn’t meet this thread’s focus.

Super. When was the last time you disqualified yourself? Lovely. Freakin’ lovely. Lol

To regain focus, where are you gonna pitch your 20K speaker buying bundle, and why?.

I don't see myself ever spending 20k on speakers but I do think there's a time to buy blind.  It's when you are confident that you're getting something more for your money than you'll get otherwise.  I bought a pair of ATC 110 ASLs a few years back for 5k.  They were custom made and don't look like the standard version but still aren't something many people would find attractive.  They were only two or three years old.  I had heard some small active ATCs in the past and knew I really liked the house sound and also knew they were a brand known for a very consistent sound from one model to the next. 

It was a no brainer for me and I immediately began the process of making the transaction.  Knowing what I do of audiophiles I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the only person on earth who wanted these.  Cosmetics are a deal breaker for almost all audiophiles.  Performance isn't even relevant if the look isn't what they want.  For those people it makes more sense to spend the 5k on something that sounds as good as possible and has the look they like.  Good luck finding a pair of 5k speakers with an impressive finish that will do anything close to what these can do.  I naturally tend to get off knowing I got something that is pretty close to the best at any price without even taking a big financial hit. 

25% off for new speakers isn't enough to buy them unheard at any significant price, let alone 20k.  You could almost certainly find a dealer to give you a discount, maybe not 25% but enough to make it more than worth it to have a knowledgeable person to talk to.  If you can swing 75% of retail you should swing 85% for the advantage of dealer support.  I guess if there is no dealer within hundreds of miles maybe it makes sense.

@jon_5912 > time to buy blind. It's when you are confident that you're getting something more for your money than you'll get otherwise

Blindjim > we are on the same wavelength there.

> “Performance isn't even relevant if the look isn't what they want. “

Blindjim > that was me. And still a bit. Though I’m determined this time not to let esthetics play as large a role as performance.

I’m not keen on boxes per se. just big rectangles don’t do much for me. However…

Normally I would not ever consider this level of expense. But its getting late. Chances are I likely can, so why not?

> advantage of dealer support.

Blindjim > there’s only one outlet I’m aware of nearby. I’ll have to see soon a bit more intently. Others range from 40 to 75 mi. the lines being carried by al of them is not fully clear but at one outlet, its fairly expressive. Radhu, Magico, KEF, ??? not sure what the rest are up to lately.

Many around here are or were, supposed dealers but did not stock inventories. Or had one bare bones setup like a receiver, CDP, and a pr of speakers. Always with the aclade “we can get you whatever!”.

Things might have changed of late. I will look into this more.

I’m a mite concerned of any real tangible support even at 40mi. though.

Overall, that is good sense.

Actives seem to me to be like a closet. Not much room to coax the sound much to something better. But then as with any number of other elclectic audio pieces. Dunno. Never had any. Had the shot to hear some but my then bias flatly resfused the offer. Listened to BW 800s & 801s instead. Albeit, driven by Meridiaian elecs.

Hopefully I’ll fall into something good. Like a middle range unit. And target its igher end sibling. We’ll see..

Good thoughts. Thanks.


"I’m not gonna live waiting for the next shoe to drop.

I’ve no clue what tomorrow holds. I feel however I do know who holds it."  

Jim, thanks for the sage advice and reminder. I'm there with you on both.