KEF, ProAc, Monitor Audio and others

I've been busy listening to speakers in the 10-15,000 price range and even convinced my wife to join me (not an easy job).  Recently, I've heard the Vandersteen
Treo CT, ProAc D48r,KEF Reference 3, Monitor Audio PL300ii (briefly), Vienna Acoustics Liszt and several others.  I appreciate all the suggestions on this board.  

Some observations: I liked the Vandersteen but would love to consider one of their higher end models.  However, as I posted before, the local dealer doesn't carry those models and the nearest dealer who does is several hundred miles away.  Also, the necessity of electricity for the higher models is problematic for me. I really like the soundstage, imaging and musicality of the KEF Reference 3.  Would like to hear the KEF Reference 5, even though it would stretch my price range, but can't find it at any local dealer.  Some say the 3 is actually better so they don't carry the 5. Didn't like the Liszt compared to the KEF. Plan to hear the Monitor Audio again since I was impressed during a brief listening. Also, I've been told that Revel-- and possibly others--will introduce new models in January at the CES.  Right now, the KEF 3 is at the top of my list and my wife reached the same conclusion.  May wait until January to see what's announced at the CES.  
Thanks for for the advice.  I haven't heard the Wilson Benesch but there is a local dealer so I may go there.  Spendor and Harbeth are hard to find in my area.  The Audio Vector SR6 also was suggested but I haven't heard it.  Would like to hear the KEF Reference 5 but also unable to find it at a dealer, even though there are several KEF dealers in my area.  With the Liszts, it seemed more like I was hearing two speakers rather than a live performance. Hearing them right after the KEF Reference 3 really increased my appreciation of the KEFS.  My wife also commented that she could hear individual instruments in an orchestral piece much better with the KEF.  I've heard the Dynaudio and it was good but the KEF is still at the top of my list.  I will listen to the Monitor Audio PL300ii again, try to locate the KEF 5 and possibly go hear the Wilson Benesch.  I may have to pass on Harbeth and Spendor because of unavailability.  
I have Revels Performas and they are very good, their Studio line are excellent in that range, but honestly I listened to the KEF Reference 5 at same dealer and if I had the money that's what I'd buy, they sounded incredible even at very high volumes the sound didn't change. Ive also heard Dynaudio and they sounded very good, very smooth and natural, great midrange and tweeter. I thought the KEF sounded best of all of them, even Revel Ultimate Studio which are rated Class A+ and one of the best all time speakers. 
I've auditioned The KEF Ref 3, the Proac D48R, the Vandersteen Treo CT and the Vandersteen Quatro CT.  It is difficult to imagine you wouldn't be happy with any of these choices.  I chose the Vandersteen Quatro CT.  If you like the Treo CT you will probably love the Quatro as it is essentially a Treo with built in subwoofers with a very flexible ability to tune them to your room.  The Quatro is the only Vandersteen above the Treo that is still within your price range. Both the KEF and the Proacs are great as well...just slightly different flavors.  
I can't consider the Quatro CT for two reasons-- no place to hear then within 400 miles and the power cords present a problem.  As you say, I still have some great options.  Still can't find a place to hear the KEF Reference 5 but I may call KEF for help.  Liking the KEF Reference 3, Proacs and possibly the Montor Audio PL300II at this point.   

Great to see you took our original  advice to go out and listen and seek out some of the best modern loudspeakers.

We are a KEF dealer and the Ref 3 are superb and are often overlooked by many audiophiles who feel that the larger speaker companies don't build as good a product as the smaller more boutique companies.

The KEF's are more precise with a more well defined sound stage then the Monitors, the Monitors are a bit softer sounding with the new AMT drivers, also the KEF's are a more slender cabinet also with the KEF's  you have a bit of room control with the different ports.

Other great loudspeakers to look at are the Legacy's if you can find them.

Personally I think the KEF's  are  a better overall design then the Proacs.

The new Paradigm Persona's are also quite amazing and do some things better then the Kef Ref 3 they are a bit more expensive for a comparable model which would be the Persona 5F, they are stunning looking and have an incredibly holographic sound stage with very deep tight bass, the other issue is that with the high tech Beryilium  drivers they have great resolution than other similar systems.

You should try to determine what kind of sound you like more warm and rich sounding, the Vandersteen, Legacy camp, or the higher resolution camp, KEF, Proac, Vivid, Rahido.

Good luck and happy listening.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ