Thanks guys for all the feedback, really do appreciate it.
@tablejockey I tried the Cardas room placement calculator and it suggested I keep the speakers 7' away from the rear walls! In my room that would be like 2 "guests" with me all the time in the living room :-) . I agree though that in our regular world nothing is going to be ideal.
I have done a lot of research on the Primaluna HPs and all the feedback seems to be really good. I've also seen Kevin Deal's (Upscale Audio) reviews and videos but not sure if he's the right person for an unbiased opinion since he is their main distributor (although the way he campaigns for the Prima Lunas it feels like he's a part owner)! I don't mean that in a bad way, I do appreciate his passion for the product and the facts that he points out do seem to make sense to me. But you're right given his experience with all the 3 brands in question he would have useful insights on how the PL HPs match up with the Olympicas vs. the Focals and I do intend to reach out to him on that.
@djfst and @nnnnny - thanks for writing in, I will be messaging you'll.
@tablejockey I tried the Cardas room placement calculator and it suggested I keep the speakers 7' away from the rear walls! In my room that would be like 2 "guests" with me all the time in the living room :-) . I agree though that in our regular world nothing is going to be ideal.
I have done a lot of research on the Primaluna HPs and all the feedback seems to be really good. I've also seen Kevin Deal's (Upscale Audio) reviews and videos but not sure if he's the right person for an unbiased opinion since he is their main distributor (although the way he campaigns for the Prima Lunas it feels like he's a part owner)! I don't mean that in a bad way, I do appreciate his passion for the product and the facts that he points out do seem to make sense to me. But you're right given his experience with all the 3 brands in question he would have useful insights on how the PL HPs match up with the Olympicas vs. the Focals and I do intend to reach out to him on that.
@djfst and @nnnnny - thanks for writing in, I will be messaging you'll.