Wilson Audio Sophia 3 vs Watt Puppy 7

I'm looking for a pair of new speaker and my target is WA Sophia 3 and Watt Puppy 7.  Unfortunately I have no chance listen and compare to them side by side.  Does anybody can tell me what are the biggest difference of sound character between these two speakers?  And which is more easy to drive?  I always guess Watt 7 are more easy to handle because the sensitivity is 93 db but Sophia 7 is 87 db only, but I saw many post that Sophia 3 is more easy to drive, which is correct?  Thanks. 

Agree with georgehifi. WP 7 was a special WP and the best of the series until Sasha.
I always thought the W/P 7 was bright. The Sophia was a better speaker to me except in the lowest bass extension. It also didn't have the coherency issues. Ymmv.

My concern of Watt 7 is this model is very old, it has more electronic parts than Sophia 3 which need to repair later.  Also the sponge will need to replace every few years, especially my location is a very humid city. 
No disrespect to the other posters, but I completely disagree with them. While the WP7 was a wonderful speaker, the Sophia 3 is a much more refined speaker. I have owned Sophia 3’s and also am very familiar with the WP7. Check out my system “Symply Synergistic” on Agon. The Sophia is a lot easier to drive than the WP7. It also has newer driver technology with the mid range and the tweeter and also newer cabinet material and bracing. When the original Sophia was introduced in 2001, the performance was so close, Wilson had to upgrade the then WP6 with WP7.