Why is the snake oil topic closed?

Because debunking certain aftermarket accessories might affect Audiogon’s revenue? I don’t get it. There were points to be made. It was just getting "good."
Ag insider logo xs@2xjji666
Because a few 'Goners were plain rude! Started with "foggythink" and went downhill from there...
this thread will be closed also if folks  continue with that same attitude, OP sets an example of such

Yeah there were some snarky posts.  Ironically though the posts were getting more serious and polite as it went on.  
war does not a good forum make.

If you allow the loud and the rude, the forceful, the pressuring, the insulting and bickering..and so on..if you allow such types and behaviour into a bar and allow them to do as they please..they will form a clique and be of that behavior to all other patrons.

Sooner rather than later, the population of the restaurant will be just those few overly forceful and rude argumentative types.

Everyone else, the others who were the regular patrons, will be gone.

20 regular mudslingers and a thousand missing patrons.

It’s a simple equation.

The other thing needed is a REAL forum format. With real moderators and a real force, when it comes to eliminating those who desire to force their opinions on others.

The forum, the business, and the multi billion dollar model itself is dedicated to the people who hear differences in gear of all kinds and types...

Anything else is against the entire reason for the the audio equipment to even exist.

Any one who denigrates another for saying they hear a difference in a thing, whatever it may be...and that person continues to denigrate and attack, even after one or two warnings...needs to be eliminated from the forum membership. And their IP banned. End of story.