Why is the snake oil topic closed?

Because debunking certain aftermarket accessories might affect Audiogon’s revenue? I don’t get it. There were points to be made. It was just getting "good."
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Nonoise wrote:
"Forget my previous lament about the neighborhood: it's the whole planet. We're being dumbed down at an alarming pace."

By design my friend....by design.  It is much more difficult to subjugate an aware and educated populous than one that is ignorant and needy.
In as subjective a hobby as is musical appreciation, and as well, adoration of fine musical reproduction, science does not always have the last word.

Merely possessing the ability to allow other people to be other people is a significant display of maturity and emotional stability. So is being able to agree to disagree. Where it becomes combustible is when camps collect and decide they must win the day by converting the opposite bands to their own opinions.

Mean spirited, piling on, condescending, duplicit, redundancy, snarkyness, all of these add up, I think as with recent past thread removals, Admin simply gets tired of removing individual posts one after another incessantly, and then decides to drop the thread rather than to keep flaging member’s poor remarks.

Simply count the ‘post removed’ notices. That will tell you if a thread is headed in the direction of deletion or removal.

I feel, the member’s name should remain, but their comments vacated. Maybe they’ll get the idea after enough public embarrassing deletions of their remarks.

I mean, if a person’s input is so bad it should be taken down, leave up the member’s handle, just delete their words.

Thread removals are in spite of the orig thread’s focus, it is due to the feedback which is input onto it from members who ignore the fact freedom of speech is not license to defame, belittle, or slander, another member or the topic itself.

I think it’s an efficiency thingy. Why keep a person eyeing the same volatile thread which is garnering outlandish feedback.

I do not agree with removal of a thread due to some members careless, thoughtless, or injurious input and or outright vulgar objectifying or inflammatory violent language, if such things were not written in the thread’s premise.

Don’t kill the message. Cull those who ignore policy.

Deleting threads due to a wealth of offensive posts, enables impowerment to any subsection or group which decides to take down any thread by merely blasting it off the forums due to biases, prejudices, plain dislike, or for any reason these camps might derive.

If member’s desire to open mouth with out putting brain in gear, and or applying restraint and respect within the context of their posts is impossible, or if they demand vulgarity be used to describe their thoughts… ban them. Not the thread.

Suspend those whose verbal assaults fly freely. Bar those members temporarily which continue to defame and bash and choose libelous assertions or are just plainly displaying rage..

If they repeat, increase the term of suspension. If they still repeat? Deny them any further rights to post to or generate threads of any kind. Its simple.

As for merely just plain dumb goofy, juvenile, or stupid remarks. Well, you can fix ignorant. You can not fix stupid, but it is easier to overlook dumb stuff.

And yes. Decidedly the level of displayed angst, anxiety and ire increase online with strong regularity regardless the venue.

Why not? Anonymity cloakes everyone. Take out your ire online! It is an increasingly popular global pastime.

Its all about inappropriate ‘entitlements. Everybody gets a trophy! Everybody is a winner. There are no losers! You are just as special as anyone else. OMG.

One fix might be to force anyone to use only their legit verified full names. Audiogon, for that matter, would not be the first ones to implement such a requirement.

Maybe, if we could no longer hide behind a veil of obscurity, we’d have to start talking to other’s like we were face to face in the real world. If not fully with respect, but with thoughtfulness or consideration at least.

Say what you mean, mean what you say, don’t say it mean. Simple stuff.

What is reality?  Is reality a concept that is individualized?  Is reality different things to different people?  You bet it is.  150 years ago there were many people "cured" by the likes of Dr. John's Miracle Elixir.  To be cured though, required the belief that  one would be cured.  All religions are based on this concept as is much of the audio industry in the 21st century. 
" To be cured though, required the belief that one would be cured. All religions are based on this concept as is much of the audio industry in the 21st century. "

This is nonsense and the very reason that this thread was closed is because it offered a clear and decisive path towards proving this snakeoil and fraud claim for once and for all yet those who assert this claim were unwilling to pursue this path and instead posted derogatory remarks about those with who they disagree so vehemently just as you have done here. So again I extend the challenge that those who argue that fraud is the basis of audio need only to take they’re case to court and this matter will be resolved but of course the naysayers do not engage that solution because they would rather insult the readers here as they proclaim themselves to be immune from the confirmation bias that they insist is at the basis of the fraud they allege! As for snakeoil being the basis of all religions you are obviously ignorant of the truth here so please go ahead and prove your claims about audio rather than just attack those here who do not think everything sounds the same but it is pointless to continue to just argue it here the matter has been settled your claim is without logical basis and that is why the thread has been closed your argument has been made and proven false!
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