Why is the snake oil topic closed?

Because debunking certain aftermarket accessories might affect Audiogon’s revenue? I don’t get it. There were points to be made. It was just getting "good."
Ag insider logo xs@2xjji666
Audiophile product fraud would be rather difficult to prove in court. And that’s why Better Business Bureau, Consumer Watchdog groups, Consumer Reports, Bureau of Consumer Protection, FCC, NIST, AES, Journal of Physics, or any other consumer protection group does not (rpt not) respond to requests for investigating an audiophile device or tweak on the suspicion that the device either has claims that are false or that the device is an outright fraud, and does nothing. What would the judge’s instructions to the jury be, see if sound is more transparent, or the if the bass has more slam? Cut me some slack! The real advantage of audiophile tweaks is they make good conversation starters. Caveats emptor, your results may vary, enjoy the music. Smoke if ya got em.
In capitalist society we are free to spend our money as we wish. However, advertising leads us down an either/or, this/that path where confusion is encouraged! Coke or Pepsi, anyone? Wire is in the same category. Who do you believe? Who do you trust to lead you to the TRUTH!
Huh? Coke or Pepsi? Don’t be silly. You buy the one you think tastes best. It has almost nothing to do with advertising. Are you so gullible? By the way, Coke is much better than Pepsi ever thought of being.
I agree coke is better and once you get used to diet coke you like it better than regular coke.  And Chicago style thin-crust is way underrated compared to New York style thin crust.
By the way I agree with those who call for civility.  These are not life and death debates.  I'd like to think of the Audiogon crowd meeting for a drink at a bar with a good, eclectic DJ.