Power Cords

I currently have Wireworld Silver Electra power cords with upgraded Platinum plugs. I had two 1M Wireworld Platinum power cords, but rearranged my system and required longer cords. Yesterday I borrowed two Shunyata Sigma NR power cords. On the first note my wife softly said, "that sounds better". She said it was clearer. I listened for a couple hours, changing the power cords a couple of times. In my system and to my ears this is my conclusion:
The Sigma's are cleaner, definitely has more bass, a dead silent and completely black background. The Wireworld cords are more detailed, with a wider soundstage and better spacing/separation of instruments. All things considered I'll keep my Wireworld, but I'm curious to listen to other power cords.
After inserting the Sigma's I just don't understand how anyone that listened to different power cords could conclude that they can't hear a difference. There is a difference, but like any other component the individual has to decide if the change is worth it. $6K for two power cords is relatively expensive. Expensive, but oddly maybe a good value? In my system there was a definite improvement with better bass impact and articulation. Would spending $6K or just changing amplifiers yield similar results? As with most components there are trade-offs...is there a power cord out there that has the benefits of the Sigma's and Wireworld Silver Electra's? If so, at what cost?  
It's refreshing to see at least one power cord manufacturer who is conscious of the directionality of wire in general and of the power cord specifically. The correct answer to my question regard g the best sounding color for the jacket of any Cable or Power Cord is ......white! 
Trial and error is creating audio by pure gambling. Most people have no idea how limited the endresults are of their systems until you present an audiosystem what reveals so much more information of a recording.

People have no idea how big the influence is of the acoustics of a room. When you think you can solve this by using bass traps and diffusers you don’t understand the level in limitation.

The biggest problem in audio is that people focus on brands and products. And that is why they always talk about a brand or a product.

But when you are not able to understand and explain what all the different properties are of that product or even brand you have no idea what this product really does in your system.

You only can judge a little on the endresult of your system. But when you replace a part of your system by another part of a different brand or price range you still have no idea which properties you took out and which you did bring in.

This is the 100% proof that you are just doing audio by pure gambling. And this is the main reason why trail and error is so ineffective. Because it lacks any kind of foundation.

Most parts in an audiosystem are used just for a small % of the whole quality it could create when it would be used so much more effective. Money does not solve these problems at all.

Even many systems of over 200.000 dollar were one big laugh. There is only one way to control and understand audio when you understand why the stage and sound of your system is what you hear.

So you need to understand all the different properties of each single part in your system. Because the sound and stage what you hear is being formed by all the properties of each single part togheter including the acoustics and the other parts who have a negative influence on the sound and stage.

Audioquest asked me not to write all the details over the Hurricane yet. I have to respect that. I am now busy in writting the review of the Hurricane. They want to check this first before I post it.

And it will be very detailed so all people will understand what it does and why it is so different to other powercables  and the older Audioquest powercables.

You only can get a realistic review when you can reveal all the information of the recording. What I said before the facts proof that most audio products and brands are incomplete.

Many systems which are used in reviews are incomplete on facts. These people cannot think in properties, so they write a review based on trial and error. This will never give any realistic information over the product which is being reviewed.

So you need to change they way you think about audio. Trail and error proofs that it is one big gambling. That is why a new mindset is needed to bring people to a much higher level in sound and realism than they own now.

What I said; the facts proof that most sold audiosystms are 2D. Most audiosystems proof that there is almost no diversity. Most audiosystems create a lot of acoustic limitations in a room.

All these limitations togheter are the main reason why many people are changing parts in their system all the time.

Because they don't realize that they cannot control and understand what they change. This is why many are in a circle and can't get out.

You only can break this circle when you understand why the stage and sound of your system is what you hear.