Why is the snake oil topic closed?

Because debunking certain aftermarket accessories might affect Audiogon’s revenue? I don’t get it. There were points to be made. It was just getting "good."
Ag insider logo xs@2xjji666
We have no idea how sexual minorities or sex-disoriented kids happen, we do not even know all the species of animals we are exterminating on this Planet. But, Hey, we landed on the Moon and we detect black holes colliding out There, we know EVERYTHING!!!
All amps sound the same, I know......
first thing tomorrow morning I will list all my CDs and LPs on Discogs and start hi-rez download spree, is this a "certified" move?
Naim Audio claims that each one of their CD drives gets $whatever worth of special paint. Looks and feels real special to me. Is this a Snake Oil??
who to believe? Big buck companies like Bose? Anonymous WWW posts? My own ears? Suffer thru double-blind / ABX tests each time I am buying new iPhone? What a poor boy should do? (Genesis, Lamb Lies Down...)
Come on, Cheer Up!!! :-)
if folks spend $10k on Nordost, do Not talk to me about "hard-earned money"... should they spend $$$ on yet another Lamborghini instead? Or get another mistress?
Point a dimwit like myself where and how to waste my extra cash!

Rubbing Snake Oil on your Shakti Stones will fix whatever problems you have
"Rub Snake oil onto my..." Which Oil? 
I have not upgraded my stereo in 7+ years, so the problems I am dealing with now are not related to Audio in any way whatsoever. 
But this thread, as its predecessor, is turning UGLY, and your comment proves (to me) the point. I am out of here, shall spend the rest of the evening with Stereo2Go folks, among civilized audiophiles. Good Bye!  
Post removed 
" Debussy understood that a work of art
Or an effort to create beauty,
was always regarded by some people as a personal attack."

...one's 'snake oil' may be another's 'essential oil'...and vice-versa, of course...

Any attempts at humour can be construed as an application of ground glass into the potion at hand...

...which is why (IMHO) this topic was doomed from Post #2.

(I'm generally surprised that topics of this nature go on as long as they do, but...some things are just like that....)