4 ohm speaker to 8 ohm reciver

i have fmj avr 400 with me no problem but last week i upgrade my speaker to
    sonus faber venere s . i did connect with my arcam use biamping listen music watch movie
not very loud but today i just notice my speaker is 4ohm ,arcam is 8 ohm and i so worry .
please let know what will happen speaker or my arcam.
You can usually tell if the receiver/amplifier is straining by how hot/warm it gets during normal operation. As an example, I drove a pair of Magnepan MMGs - straight 4 ohm load, with an Acurus 100 wpc amplifier and only after 15 minutes the amplifier got so hot that you could smell it from six feet away....Not apples to apples but you get the idea.
thank you for answer , IT mean i can still use my sonous faber venere s.but need to change reciver . 
Check out the Rogue Audio Sphinx integrated amp. 100+ watts and an excellent phono stage. Very well reviewed by Herb Reichert in Stereophile!  Made in the USA, too!