Speaker Suggestions

Interested in your opinion regarding used speakers in 5-6k range. (Or less)

Current setup:

Anthem Inegrated 225
Musical Fidelity CDP
Technics SL1200
Usher CP 6311

Room is 15'x18' open behind listening seats. Ushers are 5' from 15' wall.


Low freq in the 30's

Reasonably wide sweet spot, so two people can enjoy at the same time.

Lively top end, dynamic (not warm)

Does not require expensive cabling to sound their best.

Used, bang for buck.

Good sound for most music types.

WAF is not an issue.

Nothing old enough to require service on crossovers/drivers.

Prefer well known brand to facilitate reselling when the time comes.

Do not need a sub to add low end, not opposed to subs for a little reinforcement...

I'm not a tinkerer, so I shy away from complicated setups like active crossovers, etc. I've owned Vandersteen 2ce sig, Sonus Faber Grand Piano, Ohm Walsh 2, and various vintage speakers. I am mostly satisfied with the Ushers. Curious what increasing my investment will get me.

I value soundstage, definition, and clarity, and lean toward this over warmth. 

My plan is to research some options and audition my final choices. I'm not close to any dealers, so I want to narrow down the field before I travel, etc.

Thanks in advance-
new Paradigm Persona 3F or Revel F208

used Focal or Wilson (because resale is important)
For $5K, I'd be looking for a used set of Legacy Audio Signature SE.  You mentioned, "Good sound for most music types."  That is what I feel the big advantage of Legacy speakers is -- great "all around" speakers.  You get the Air Motion ribbon tweeter, as well as 22Hz bass extension, they are easy to drive, work well in most rooms, great soundstage and imaging.

Maggie 3.7i can be had for $4k used and the room seems like a great fit for them - they are an ultimate bang for the buck and quite addictive

one careful listener I respect loves his Personas

or bigger, better Vandies