Michael Fremer's system

Do you agree with his choice ? What would you change ?

I’m with the Mikey fans, thoroughly enjoyed his tour and banter and fun nature, my kind of guy, pretty cool. Who cares what Anyone thinks about anyone’s system, It’s about the music and the choices of the listener isn’t it?

 Gentlemen all!

        Your missing his expertise. The room clutter helps break up

standing WAVES in such a small confine. His listen chair is positioned such, for NEAR FIELD listening. 

 How else could one hear and evaluate gear possibly colored by his auditioning room, if it has all sorts of acoustic issues.


Feng shui is really nothing more than Information Fields with fancy Chinese words. Sound Quality is a function of Entropy. I.e., the less “clutter” (e.g., books, record albums and CDs) the better the sound.

It is definitely for near field listening, almost like big headphones. And he certainly wanted his rig to be very sensitive to the smallest changes. He also had to pay for all that, and though he might've been able to afford better equipment he probably just didn't want to spend huge amounts, what he has is already very expensive, even with deep discounts. I remember reading his reviews of the Continuum Caliburn and Ypsilon phono stage and Ypsilon preamp. Unlike in other cases he was flying out of his pants, he was in awe when listening to those pieces. So he got two of them out of three. I would expect him to have all Ypsilon electronics, I don't know why he didn't do it.

" I would expect him to have all Ypsilon electronics, I don't know why he didn't do it."

He has very expensive equipment.  The Dartzeel is not cheap by any means and the Ypsilon are probably twice the price.  I am sure money came into play as to why he didn't get all Ypsilon gear.  I have almost 60K invested in my system and that is probably just the price of his amplifiers.