how to put center channel voices in rear speakers

I enjoy hearing the dialog in the rear speakers as well as
in the center. Is there a receiver that has a setting that will do this? or do I have to splice my center channel wire
to output to the center and rears?

I have a 5.1 setup
Denon 2803
Ref 3.1 fronts
orb audio mod4 center
orb audio mod2 rears

Well Parasound Halo Pro has 4 channels you can assign to do whatever you wish with seperate delays and levels, it is called a 7.4 , you could for example assign a ceiling speaker, rear center whatever you wish, seems this was made just for guys like you!

Thanks for the reply. This is exactly the type of solution I was looking for. Now, my task do I acquire one
for a decent price. I'm looking at $1,200 max to spend. Are there other recommended options in this 7.4, 7.5 category?