About to purchase the Kef LS50W speaker want opinions about set up....

I recently heard the KEF LS50 Wirless speakers and can’t  believe how good they sound. I am looking for a system in my bedroom. My question is, I hear that the kef app is really bad and not worth using, since I have all my music on my computer in Flac, Will the Kef play it? Would I need to purchase an additional streamer, like the bluesound Node 2?

Congrats on your choice Matt!
I heard the LS50w in Munich High-end society, right after I auditioned the KEF Muons. I could swear, the LS50w were every bit as transparent as the Muons, if not tonally better. The bass of the Muons in that room overwhelmed the midrange.

I own the passives and their midrange is a work of class even with my DIY amp from the 80s. I tried a couple of amps on them and this is a speaker that will make the amp differences easily audible.
The only thing that I miss on the passives is a little more bass thump. In my room (5m x 7m) the midbass is a little lean and the subwoofers don't help there. The extension is very good even without subs.
That's why I want to change them with the LS50w hoping that the DSP and the bass adjustments can produce more midbass. Another very important reason for me is convenience. 90% of the time I stream music.
Can anyone owning both have a word how do they compare in the bass department (not just extension, but weight and subjective feeling on the amount of bass)?
I picked up a pair a week ago, and am really enjoying them. I stream Spotify Premium directly over WiFi using the Extreme quality setting in Spotify. For $2200, I am getting more enjoyable sound than from my previous setup which was in excess of $10K. I have a REL T9 sub on hand, and have been using it with the LS50W’s over the past couple of days. It’s not dialed in as yet, but it sounds good. These speakers are game-changing. I can’t believe how good they are. My two complaints are 1) They are made in China. I would spend more to have them made in England. 2) the ability to finely control the volume is not great, but I’ve learned to deal with it.

By the way, if you live in the US, buy from Crutchfield. You have until Jan. 25th to return them if they are not to your liking.
Guys do the industry a favor and DO NOT PURCHASE FROM CRUTCHFIELD OR MAGNOLIA, these giant corporations do not need your pattronage in order to survive.

FIND a good local dealer and purchase from them here is why:

1: Your local retailor will be appreciative
2: Your local retailor will be much more helpful
3: You local retailor needs your support to survive especially today in the face of all of this compettition.
4: Your local retailor will and can help you in a much more personal way then any on line store.
5: Your local retailor will also take back LS 50W as they are impossible not to like, therefore it is not going to happen.
6: Your local retailor may just have the product on display so you can hear them for yourself.
7: Your local retailor will most likely form a good relationship with you and can assist you in other audio/video matters.

Look at all the posts crying out there are no good retailors left look at the mirror and ask yourself why?

I don’t know about you but I much prefer to get in my car drive 10-20 mins and be able to see, touch and listen to a product in person then over the net.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Not sure your post is really appropriate here. For what it's worth, I live in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area, and there is only one place that carries them here...Magnolia.

Then Magolia is your local retailor 
I am surprised that there are no local dealers that sell Kef in your territory.