Cartridges: Complete Scam?

I’m very new to analog, and researching my options on forums I keep coming across the same sentiment: that past the ultra low-end cartridges, there is very little gains in actual sound quality and that all you’re getting are different styles and colorations to the sound.

So, for example, if I swapped out my $200 cartridge that came with my table for a Soundsmith, Dynavector, Oracle, etc, I may notice a small improvement in detail and dynamics, but I’m mostly just going to get a different flavor. Multiple people told me they perffered thier old vintage cartridges over modern laser-cut boron-necked diamonds.

It’s possible that these people are just desperately defending thier old junk and/or have never heard high end audio. But if what they’re saying is true, than the cartridge industry is a giant SCAM. If I blow 2.5k minimum on an Air Tight I better get a significant improvement over a $200 bundler — and if just all amounts to a different coloration, than that is a straight-up scam ripoff.

So guys — are these forums just BS-ing me here? Is it really a giant scam?
And yes madavid, you have absolutely no clue how good a properly set up cartridge from the 70s and 80s, using all those tools that make a difference and that you cynically besmirch, can sound. And I can tell you are a newbie to vinyl and equipment because you dismiss anything that isn't the newest, greatest and most expensive. Exactly why the heck are you listening to stone age vinyl in 2017 for Jupiter's sake?

If these cartridges are so great -- why are they long out of production and can only be found in the backs of old record stores? Why hasn't someone cloned them? Those "giant killer" Denons are all over the place -- are they really giant killers? Someone on another forum claimed that they had laser-drilled boron cartridges in the 70s, too -- so, where are they all?

The $500 protractor that is heavily recommended:

Is it your contention than that $5k and definitely $10K+ cartridges are nothing but a scam? Is that protractor a scam -- will a paper cut-out really provide the same results?

If expensive cartridges are a scam, what's not a scam -- ie, what's effective? Tonearms? Is a $15k Basis Superarm 9 a scam? Let's just deal with something real -- that thing is DEFINITELY not even remotely close to $15k to build. Even if it took a week for a master craftsman to piece one together from the finest parts, it would be worth a few thousand dollars at most. Or is it SO ASTOUNDING in terms of sound quality that it deserves to cost hugely more than the world's best tonearms?  
I would like to add this about the cartridge scam,_______ and then the thread in general________. Thanks for your interest.

Any cartridge over £200 is a total scam - because above £200 there are no economies of scale, MC's are a waste of time and money and are just there like a hook for over-wealthy audiophiles. 
For those with MC's or indeed any cartridge you are far better off downloading a piece of cardboard to align your precision made cartridge. This is whether or not you find a turntable from a dumpster or have an AirForce One.
All said and done please use super expensive speakers such as YG, Magicos or Martin Logans - with any ancillary equipment so long as they aren't wired up with Anti Cable - much better off using the stuff from Radio Shack. BTW don't ever buy a class D amp even one made by Rowland as they are inherently rubbish no matter what...
Dear @madavid0: """  Being honest, your input has had zero value, not only to me but to anyone. "Are you happy with your sound" is a meaningless question; what difference at all does it make if I'm happy or not happy with it? """

it's clear to me and almost any one that you not only do not make the rigth questions or that you just don't understand what differents posts or questions to you its real meaning. It is clear that the analog experience does not exist in your world. Your stupid questions because there is the rigth word for it says you are not even an analog roockie.

" A re you happy with your sound? " is nothing more nothing less the clue of audio the clue for a digital or analog alternative the clue for a good or bad room/audio system the more important clue to evaluate or compare anything in audio.

Obviously that you don't/can't understand it and less the why's.

First step to understand the importance of that clue is to be sure know for sure what to look for in the quality level performance in any room/system. According to your statements in reference to my questions to you you have no idea what to look for in your own system, even I don't know why you have it if can't understand it.

For you can know for sure what to look you must have " thousands " of first hand experiences with live MUSIC at near field seating positions. With out those " thousands " experiences you can't help your self but no one can gives you any kind of help.

Secon step is to have an attitude that's totally willing to learn and this means, because you are below an analog roockie level, that if a experienced audiophile tells you: stand up you will stand up in silence and if he tells you cross your fingers then you cross your fingers in silence. 
Willing to learn means that you have to live you have to experienced in your system the advises that true audiophile gave you before ask nothing about, this is the way to learn in the analog experience.

With out these two steps you are " dead " before you can pull/touch the trigger.

No one can learn something really usefull only reading what other people say with out knowing the other people audio knowledge levels and certainly not true attendance to audio shows or trusting at 100% on audio distributors but you can learn how to improve your sound if you listen as many room/system you can rigth at other audiophiles places and learning for them what to do and what not to do, then comeback home and live the experiences.

As you will learn step by step with patience, time and money ( for all the mistakes you will do. Any of us already pass for.  ) you step by step will enjoy more and more your room/system and your questions will left to be stupid ones and converts clever ones to continue the learning proccess.

A third step for you could be to check by your self if the tonearm/cartridge in your analog rig set up is accurated and you have to do this with out help of any one, with out ask no one but learning for your self.

So, why don't makes your self a favor and makes that set up check-out? and then come back here and share your findings instead to add more stupid questions.

About scam in general/normally there are no scams as a true scam. Audio is a special world and a way of different living that you have to understand before put any names.
Of course that exist real scams made it by fraudulents persons that takes advantage of the ignorance of audio people but normally it's not. Why exist the " scams " you name it: because ignorance level of the people whom bougth it. A clear example is the potractors.

Btw, do you really understand what you posted?

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,