Which audio component would you like Santa to place under the christmas tree for you?

If you are not of Christian faith, and do not believe in Christ please take no offense to my post. If you think you have been sufficiently good enough to receive a gift, like the one Santa Claus may bring during the Christmas holiday, please post your wish. “What would you want Santa to leave for you, under the Christmas tree this holiday?” As a bonus...”What audio component would you gift another”?
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pokey77, you ask for too much, Santa would get broke, just imagine how many people expect gifts from him. Just one item a year.
And if not Studer.. well, my speaker cables are the weakest link, I would like to have Purist Neptune instead of old Purist Colossus fluid. Colossus is an excellent cable but no comparison, I already have Neptune interconnect so it would be real nice to add Neptune speaker cables.
reubent, I salute your modesty, or sense of reality, or both.
Peace and happiness with good tunes and times for all Audiogoners in the New Year.

OK, well, you can't blame a guy. I'd be perfectly happy with the MBL starter system too; it'd fit under the tree and in my room just fine.

And since I missed the first time, I'd gift an Oppo 205 because it does so many things well, not reference, but good value for money.
Magneplanar MG30.7, or Music Reference Direct Drive ESL, or Sanders Model 10e. Santa's choice.
pokey77, if you like poweful big scale sound, take a listen of all Gryphon system if you have an opportunity. No, I've never heard their speakers but heard of them and listened, sort of, to them on youtube. Must be impressive.