No reubent, I'll look Butch (and Buick 6) up. I saw her last night (Monday) on Seth Meyer's show, singing with Steve Earle. I don't know if that was her band or his, but they were real good, including the drummer, whom I loved. Lucinda didn't look or sound so hot, I'm afraid. It's a tricky thing, finding the right key for a male/female duet. It's gotta be low enough for the male's range, but high enough for her's. Last night the song's key was a little too low for her voice, I believe. And my gaud she looked bad! Like a hardcore alcoholic, sitting down at the end of the bar, drinking alone. She's put on a buncha weight, her face was puffy, and she had on waaaay yonder too much eye makeup. I still love her, though!
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