Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Good to see you- corvette01-

a basement is structally sound and fortified making it the perfect listening room. Concrete is much more solidified compared to dry-wall applications.
Hope you are well and enjoying this holiday season.
Happy Listening!
Hey corvette, good to hear from you.  Nice to see you're putting your Les Pauls to good use, regardless of the room you're in. Sounds like you've made the best of your situation!
Thanks for kind words!I have over 20  acoustic panels that I made for the basement in reflection points.I also made bass traps for the corners.The more I added,the better the sound became!I realized I had to more my system when a gummy piece of rawhide was stuck on my amp!We all have too much in our systems to risk any damage.I love my Doberman but also my system!I have 805’s safely on a entertainment stand for home theater,upstairs now with my 1.6’s as rears.The 1.6’s aren’t perfect so I don’t worry about them too much-they sound great though!1.6’s are a great speaker!I had my system before the dog,but she’s part of the family now.Wife and kids are happy,I’m getting there slowly!

Maybe it’s time for a YouTube channel,regarding all things Thiel?You have become an ambassador for the audiophile community! Always positive comments,I appreciate that!
Not a bad idea- corvette01
I do not own any video recording gear to do it justice. The notion has crossed my mind several times though. Certainly a fun project in the making upon completion of my system.

Happy Listening!