Top resistors

Many threads with opinions on boutique coupling capacitors, but very little consolidated information on the sonics of resistors. Anyone care to share their thoughts on the attributes of their favorite brands & types for specific tube and SS applications? How much of a difference does a good resistor make?

My interest in the topic increased after recently installing the latest Texas Components nude Vishay TX2575 in several SS and tube phono & LS components. This was a proverbial "Ah-ha" moment-- a stray resistor dropped into signal path here or there, surprising with an improvement that equalled or surpassed the impact of a switch to a top coupling cap like V-Cap or Mundorf.
If liquid metal really is the cats meow then it should work better for low level signals. From what I understand it is a tin/mercury slurry, both of which are not great conductors, or i should say, not the best conductors.
Most importantly, it contains no mercury, it is a tri-eutectic that has no mercury.

And the updated medical research (more than a few studies done as of now) on these eutectic blends, this data says the toxicology is zero... none ever found.

If using the larger Ohmite Gold,or Mundorf Supreme larger resistors with soldered legs ,Cut them off just above the riveted  legg. reason being the legs are dipped in Nickle, a horrible addition.i take awg18  Neotec Copper Wire 2inch ,flux and solder good 4-5% Silver content. Sounds noticeably cleaner after 24 hours or so of play 
Path Audio resistors are the best Period just Hook them up .
myself and others checked tolerances on over 8 pair less then 3/4% of 1% on average min-max ,by far the best.Teir  engineer said give them 200 hours to fully open up- refine.
For small under 1watt the Vishay naked, are the most detail refined 
resistors.  ThePath Audio resistors in the 10 Watt range are top dog a slightly warm balance detail the best out there . Myself and others have measured them on average under 3/4 of 1% .nothing 
cones close Duelund 5,and 10% add in a few % 8-13% . On average $28 each. The 1% ohmite Gold, and big 20watt Mundorf Supreme are very good Butthey gav3 soldered leggs cut them off as I did and replace withNeotech awg20 6-9 solid Copper poly r Teflon jacket high percent 4-5% Silver solder much better sounding for the soldered leggs are Nickel plated ,how stupid !!
The best is a resistor bridge made with several of the .8 watt Vishay naked resistors to arrive at the required wattage... 3D with no noise. 
Simply shocking, the improvement that is.  $60 to $100 per required value.   Another reason to go with a simple first order crossover, fewer total parts and fewer resistors.  Tom
I have to say several tell me go with dpeciak brown ohmite ,carbon or micacomposit.
Even the Duelund Cast adds a bit of sonic signature. WILSON USE or did use caddock very neutral but lack a bit of nsturalness and depth . The path audio 
Given the proper Loong 150 hour+  was told to me by the engineers as well as owned for max detail and soundstage width,depth.  J documented and they were correct. The attached ground wire going to ground in crossover can make a difference ,all my capaciyors were measured and or outer foil documented 
With cactus symbol ,or line in Jupiter Copper foil.
Other caps must be tested on a scope,or noise meter. And without question 
Optimizes detail and super low noise floor. The Path resistors just complete 
The build, natural musicality end result.