Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?
I hate this topic because it is one that is so contentious but I agree with the gentleman who said that his brain says that there should not be a difference, and yet his ears tell him otherwise. And add to that even my wife and daughter hear differences and they are the last people who would comment on anything related to my audio system. So, yes, I believe they is a difference, and the Black Sands Audio Violet Mk.II is my all time favorite, and I have auditioned many. Trolls can keep their comments to themselves for I have read or heard them all. I also believe that tubes make a difference. That is my belief after 22 years in this hobby (obsession?) and I am sticking to it...

Thanks! for sharing- zkidd
what other gear, cabling, is in your system? Are you using all Black Sands
Violet Mk. II power cords all around?
Happy Listening!
Try try an MIT Oracle 3 , non networked power cord on your best unit. Surprise awaits.