Searching for the most "accurate" speaker (below 15K)

I’m looking for the most accurate and resolving speakers (budget is <= 15K). Paradigm Persona 3F, Kef Reference 3 or Focal Sopra 2 are some of the options I can think of. Any opinions on how these compare? Should I had other options to this shortlist? The amplifier is the (absolutely extraordinary) Nagra Classic AMP.

Thanks! :)
I believe he already purchased.  In reading this thread it's funny since the work accurate means nothing in audio.  It's totally different to different people.  Some go by measurements, so go by listening, some go by emotion alone.  It's the way it should be, but the word accurate just shouldn't be in the vocabulary of audio IMHO.
@ctsooner, I see what you mean but in a recent article about the Magico M6, Jonathan Valin does a pretty good job explaining the differences between the  “musicality-first” and "accuracy-first" inclinations:

My view is that you one can use the terms but making the effort of explaining his understanding on a particular term. Accuracy alone is vague as most people think their "truth" is the only one around.

I'll go read that.  I'm sure I will agree with him as I know what I personally feel accuracy is.  Thanks a ton for that post.
@audioman58 wrote: "Accurate speaker is a broad area . To my taste the new Martin Logan Renaissance Loudspeakers from the powered Dual Bass with 24 bit DSP and room correction from mid Bass on down is the first time I have heard seamless accurate Bass in a Electrostatic Loudspeaker. "

+1, although they most likely do not meet either the OP’s budget, nor room constraints.
@normicnorm: I do like the MLs. But room/budget are an issue. The Persona 3F are awesome and a perfect fit for the room size ...

@ctsooner , you're welcome :) enjoy the read!