Transfiguration cartridges. What tube phono stages would you use them with ?

Not much talk about them, but I know that some in the know really like them.
I have used the Transfiguration Phoenix. Paired it with the remarkable Zesto Audio Andros phono stage. Great bargain. Having used a number of other MC cartridges my impression was that Transfiguration has very high resolution without the brightness of other MC's.

I have spent a fair amount of time with a Zanden 1300 (Phoenix S cart) and it was very, very impressive. A lot of meat and dynamics with a huge soundstage, but somehow more grainy and not as fast and neutral as with the BMC MCCI that I ended up keeping. Miss the warmness and overall drive that the 1300 had, though... 
The Zesto Andros is a bit unresolving.  I've bought and sold an Andros V2.  But I can still see some synergy there with a Proteus.  However, I think the EAR 88PB and Transfiguration Proteus is a match made in heaven.... given the right table and arm per your preferences.

Perhaps you didn't have your cartridge set up correctly or the Zesto not set properly, there are so many options, or perhaps you were running into a preamplifier that was not resolving or perhaps you speakers were  not transparent enough to allow you to enjoy the nuances. 

Just some thoughts.
I run my Transfiguration Phoenix (original version I think, 4 Ohms internal impedance) through a Spectral DMC 20 with internal phonostage. I used it with 10 Ohm load for a long time, but found it to have too little punch (I guess overly damped). So, I increased it to 100 Ohms load, where it had a lot of punch, but somewhat fatiguing (and highs causing ringing in my ears). So, now I've gone to an intermediate 30 Ohms, which is hopefully far, so good, but we shall see. Theoretically at least, I think this is the correct setting, as it is between 5-10X the internal impedance.