Paradigm Personas anyone heard them

No reviews on these yet that I can find. Curious if anyone has heard them and what were your impressions. Also any comparisons to the outgoing signature series?
I've heard the Persona 3f and was very impressed.  Going back tomorrow to hear the 5f in comparison.  As I posted elsewhere, I will then try to decide between one of the Paradigms, the KEF Reference 3 and the Monitor Audio pl300ii.  I'm wondering how each of these will sound with my equipment--Audio Research VT130SE amp and LS22 pre amp.   Also wondering why neither Srereophile nor Absolute Sound has reviewed the Personas (A/S did review the Persona 9).  I called Paradigm for some information and learned that they soon will be offering grills for all the Persona speakers for an extra charge (important in my case for WAF).  
Dmance-sounds like you were offered a discount on the Personas.  I've had so little luck getting a discount on new high end speakers that I usually don't even ask.  Don't want to pry but I certainly would be interested in any additional information you could share. 
i live in Canada - about 20 miles from the Paradigm factory.  i;ve waited for years to have a true high end loudspeaker company in my backyard.  Ive not heard everything - but gosh these 9H's have to be close to the TOTL Magico's ...for less than half price. 
FYI - when I was at my dealer, they corrected the speakers for the room (the speaker comes with microphone + software to program the onboard DSP). Using five separate measurements per speaker, the correction is almost 10 db of swing correction to address peaks at 40,80hz and trough at 60hz.   Look at this damn flat response!  I believe it when then say they are flat from 20hz to 20khz!

Regarding the deal ...I think most of if comes from accommodation for the CDN$/.USD$ exchange rate.  If Mr. Trump continues his shenanigans, i wont be able to afford anything from the USA.

Guys it is refreshing to see people agreeing with us on the performance envelope of the Personas, which we have been extolling for the last year since we got our display pairs and did the New York Audio Show with T+A gear and the Personas.

The entire line is very impressive and when setup correctly they are incredibily life like speakers with very holographic imaging. 

The Persona's can easily compete with most of the $60-70k loudspeakers out there. 

We have had a number of expensive ultra high performance loudspeakers over the years, from Scaena, Polymer Audio Research, and recently we tested the 9H vs a $120k pair of Kharmas, and these are all $60k plus loudspeakers, and none of these speakers were radically better different yes, but in terms of value for money, room tuning capability, ease of drive, reasonable size and weight it is very hard to beat what you get with the Personas.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
dmance, if you’re under 75 you’ll live to see the True North Brave and Free buck worth 10 times the Yankee dollar.
Or the Confederate one if they change the name .