PC upgrade for Rega Aria?

Running the Aria with a RP8 and Apheta 2 cart. Wondering what folks have experienced upgrading from the Aria's stock power cord. I'm not looking to spend the equivalent of the component, but I've got flexibility in price range if you've found something impressive. Thanks!
For my VPI Prime, I purchased an Audio Art AC3 power cord.  I purchased the one with the Watt Gate connectors for 150.00 but you can spend a little more for some different Furutech connectors.
Thanks, stereo5, that's helpful. What was the sonic upshot of your PC? What did you notice?

I noticed absolutely nothing.  After all, it's only powering the motor.  You would probably gain more by getting one of the motor controllers.  The cord does look nice in my system though:)

Back when I was using a PS Audio Nuwave Phono I used an AQ NRG5 that I had lying around. Sounded pretty good I would recommend a budget cord first.