What are the best loudspeakers under $4000 to re-create lifelike piano

Over the past 4 months I've spent time with five loudspeakers.  On a scale of 1-10 I'd rate them as follows in their ability (with my equipment in my room) to recreate a lifelike piano.  Tekton Lore - 6.5 (great scale but tonal accuracy and clarity somewhat lacking),    Kef LS50 - 7.0 (moderate scale but slightly better clarity and tonal accuracy)  Kef R500 - 8.0  (great scale and very good clarity and tonal accuracy), Spatial Audio M3TurboS -8.1 (great scale and very good clarity and tonal accuracy and very smooth)  Magnepan 1.7i - 9.0 (very good scale with excellent clarity and tonal accuracy - very lifelike).

In your room with your equipment, what loudspeakers are you listening too and how would you rate them for their ability to recreate a lifelife piano and if possible a few comments as to why?
The thing is that when you pick a loudspeaker it's probably because it transports you to the concert... or because it plays loud cleanly... or because it throws a gigantic image...and more.  Since the piano is hard to do, especially at $4k or less... it seems worth exploring which loudspeakers do it well...even if the recordings themselves are imperfect.
You want coherence, scale and timbral accuracy for piano reproduction, and that's a tall order for moderately priced speakers. We did extensive auditioning last spring - have to admit that we hated the LS50s (didn't go low enough + clangy on upper range on piano, then they were hard and glassy on massed strings besides ). I know thousands love these speakers but I cordially hated them.

Our favorites were the GoldenEar Triton 2+ at $3500 (and 3+ at $2500), B&W CM10s at $4500. We're buying the GoldenEars - great driver integration, coherent top to bottom, give you the scale of the music, easy to drive and place. Past experience tells me Vandies and Maggies also excel in coherence and scale.

We both play piano, go to live concerts and have a Steinway in the studio.
Get used Andra 1, maybe less than 5k, or technics monitor reviewed by Herb Reichert, both speakers were voice to piano, I both have them, both excellent on piano...
Tannoy........  Vandy and Maggie aren’t the only ones around here with coherence, tonality, truth of timbre, dynamics and scale.  Incredible with voice as well.  Play well with most all genres.

Think used Turnberry SE or possibly Kensington SE.  Perhaps stretch for a great deal on a new pair of Turnberry GR.  Best.