Oppo protection plan ??

About $135 or 10% of price for 4 years. Thoughts on value and necessity. Thanks 
According to Consumer Reports, Extended Warrantys on electronics is not in the customers best interest as most of the equipment is obsolete within a couple of years.  I have never bought an extended warranty on any of my new equipment and never really had a problem with anything.  I did get one once on a new car, was naïve and got sucked in by the finance manager.  I remember hearing, its only 46.00 extra a month.
Oppo takes overbuilt to a new level for the price. I know of no other product in its class that can compete in this regard as well as so many other catagories inside one box. I would not purchase it, $135 you can put toward some great cables!! You will need them.

Matt M
Gdhal, I saw it on a site selling them. Don’t remember now. 
Thanks to all for comments.