Help needed for a skeptic!

I admit I am a cable skeptic and think spending $6k on a set of interconnects is loonie!
I have a set of YG Anat 3’s driven by Chord amps. I am using a Krell Foundation pre-amp. It is driven by a Chord DSX-1000. I have good hardware. I have been reluctant to spend too much on wire do to mu  meeter going off every time I look. I am using balanced interconnects. Mostly Straightwire. My question is what would those who post suggest for speaker wire. I do Bi-Amp my YG’s Right now I am using some Nordost flat cable knock offs. My sound is great but I think a little compressed for my equipment. If one were to try an upgrade on speaker wire under $1000 to bi-amp what are your suggestions?
Music Direct has many Audioquest models on closeout (as well as other things) for as much as 40-60% off.
@rodman99999 that's good to hear -- in that they have the willingness to offer additional discounts off new cables over and above their advertised ones, I guess I've never done enough business with them to get to that point but glad they are competitive in this regard
In all cable R&D and testing that I have done, solid core conductors have beat stranded every single time
Can you please tell us in what way you determined solid core betters stranded conductors?

A couple of used purchases is fine, but if you want to shuttle in and out four or five different brands in fairly short order, I don't know of a viable alternative to the Cable Co.
@cleeds - listening tests.  I have used both solid-core as well as stranded conductors in both power cords and interconnects.  The stranded conductors have a brighter sound that is more "solid state".  The solid-core conductors just have a more "solid" sound (no pun intended).  The sound is fuller and just more natural.  I have even used extremely high end Furutech OCC copper for stranded wire.  It doesn't make a difference.