Quadraphonic records (LPs to you and me)

If normal analogue comes through as 2 channel, what effect does a quadraphonic record have?
If my processor (Bryston sp3) codes 2 channel into surround 7.1 - which it does exceedingly well- does that make the separation easier?
(Bryston do not know)
Thanks chaps and chapesses
Ok but a proper decoder is what ...?
You'd need a decoder designed for the format you’re trying to decode, such as a JVC CD-4-50 for the CD-4 format. Or something like a Sansui QSD-1 for QS-encoded LPs.
i used to have a 4 chanell setup back in the early 70's. cd-4 had the best separation. but you needed a cartridge to pick up signals up to like 40.000 hertz with a unit called a 'demodulater' i notice that today many cartridges can go up to 40,000 hertz. i don't know if any demodulaters are available today but that's how it was back then.