Lowering the noise floor

I am coming to the conclusion that success in home audio reproduction is largely about lowering the noise floor. There are so many different types of “noise”, from so many different sources, that we only really “hear” by their absence.

Those components, cables, accessories and tweaks that SUCCEED at lowering the noise floor, can, and do, dramatically increase sound quality. Sometimes the type of “noise” dealt with is controversial, or not (yet) widely recognized as being a problem. Sometimes the explanation of how a product works is dubious. Sometimes the way it is marketed reeks of “snake oil”. Sometimes the reviews singing its praises go over the top. While these things will certainly put off some prospective purchasers, they do not negate the audible results that are there for anyone open to hearing them.
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Well - I’ve lowered the "noise floor" on my system and that translated into more clarity and details, larger image with 3D like sound, better bass control and faster dynamic performance - all of which is discernible - even with the "environmental" noise.

I use single ended RCA IC’s - because I (and a friend) observed they outperformed some pricey XLR IC’s by a significant amount.on a $50k system - Strange? but true!

I now use my own DIY cables that took me over 4 years of R&D - not elegant perhaps - but extremely effective

The use of these cables in a system also resulted in less heat being generated by solid state components.

But if you want store bought cables - checkout
I’ve auditioned/reviewed most of their product line and they are superb!

Their RCA’s may not look like anything special, but they are now one of the most used RCA’s by many companies that recognize their superiority over conventional RCA designs.

Their Bananas are also amazing - I’ve just installed them and my observations are posted here...

Even their lower end products will outperform many other products on the market.

And one last thing - Room Treatments!

Eliminating reflected sound makes a huge difference and one of the few things that actually masked the sound quality of my system by severely impacting clarity.

My most effective room treatments are related to the upper region  the room...
  • the introduction of a vinyl roller blind behind the listening position that dropped down about 15" from the ceiling (close to the wall). I also great success with this approach in a friends apartment with a 12 ft ceiling and concrete walls. You may need more than one curtain for complex rooms.
  • Some dampening material on top of a book case - again, strange but true.
So I agree entirely - eliminating the "noise floor" in imperative to improving sound quality - it does not matter how you get there - as long as you are aware of the issues, so you can do something to fix them

Regards - Steve
One of my favorite quotes was by Shannon Dickson in Stereophile magazine, referring to CES in Law Vegas that year, “I went to the geek meet in the Desert, where once again almost all of the exhibitors failed to get up out of the noise floor.”
Power power supplies, power supplies, power supplies.....oh my what a difference maker they are when it comes to noise. Wether computer audio, amplifiers, ac from our homes etc ... they are the place to look for obtaining the best possible sound. Noise is indeed the biggest hurdle on the road to natural and beautiful sounding music.  I am talking about noise introduced into the signal path. Not background noise or hiss.  Power supplies are often the bottleneck to great natural sound and they are indeed in the “signal path”. 
     The largest reduction in the noise floor I've  ever perceived in my many systems over the past 40+ years occurred about 3 years ago when I first substituted a class D amp in my system after using class A/B amps for virtually my entire home audio life. 
      In retrospect, there have been many changes in my sources (vinyl to cds to Super Beta Audio recordings of my cds to DVD-A and SACD to my current computer audio with ripped cds and 24 bit/96khz downloaded files) and many changes in my speakers (no-name Pacific Stereo to Klipsch Heresy to Mirage to Maggie IIB with single sub to my current Maggie 2.7qr with 4 subs) but relatively few changes in amps (from Pioneer and Yamaha am/fm receivers to Adcom separates to various mid-level class A/B amps with a VTL tube preamp to class D stereo amps to my current D-Sonic class D mono-blocks).
      Without any doubt, the change from class A/B amps to class D amps in my system resulted in the biggest perceived lowering of my system's noise floor of any system changes I've ever made.  I was not expecting this dramatic perceived noise floor lowering with the switch from class A/B to D amps since I didn't recall it being mentioned by others who had switched to class D amps. 
       I did immediately notice other changes to the sound of class D that others had mentioned such as increased bass response, increased dynamics and a detailed but smooth mid-range and treble response comparable to good class A/B amps.  But the lowered noise floor, that made it seem like the music was emerging from a dead calm inky blackness, was just a big bonus that made all my familiar music sound even better.  I also think this lowered noise floor enabled my system to sound more detailed. 
     Given these results with a class D stereo amp,  I subsequently bought another stereo and a pair of mono-block class D amps to replace the remaining class A/B amps in my combo ht and 2-ch music system which has increased the performance of both. 

For what it's worth,