Help needed for a skeptic!

I admit I am a cable skeptic and think spending $6k on a set of interconnects is loonie!
I have a set of YG Anat 3’s driven by Chord amps. I am using a Krell Foundation pre-amp. It is driven by a Chord DSX-1000. I have good hardware. I have been reluctant to spend too much on wire do to mu  meeter going off every time I look. I am using balanced interconnects. Mostly Straightwire. My question is what would those who post suggest for speaker wire. I do Bi-Amp my YG’s Right now I am using some Nordost flat cable knock offs. My sound is great but I think a little compressed for my equipment. If one were to try an upgrade on speaker wire under $1000 to bi-amp what are your suggestions?
Are you sure those are genuine? That price is unrealistic -- and there are a slew of fake Kharma cables listed on eBay. The listings I was able to pull up of the sold grand reference speaker look nothing like legitimate shots of the original from reviews

As a rule buying this sort of stuff from China means you are getting a fake ... hopefully this is not the case for you
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Absolutely unrealistic. Why did you do it, that's not what we suggested ?
 The seller had good feedback and they come with a money back guarantee if they’re fake they get sent back and I get my money back. Otherwise to me it clearly appears the best way to experiment is with used product which is far less expensive. I don’t expect specific recommendations on cables because one person thinks their tables are wonderful and the next guy says they’re human feces strung together
I would not try a take-home program from a retail store because retail prices on cables or a loony. 
 If I hook them up and they are an improvement regardless of their origin I have not spent so much money that I really need to worry but again if they are not they are easily returned and I’ll move onto another used set. Thanks again 
 One last thing I used to sell audio  including cables such as transparent. Salesman accommodation on cables was 25 percent of retail so it’s ridiculous to think that it’s impossible to find old speaker wire and interconnects out there for 10 percent or so of retail. The mark up on cables is insane. That does not mean this could not be fake it just means it is not beyond the realm of possibility to find such old overpriced speaker wire at bottom of the barrel pricing because that’s what it cost to produce.