The seller had good feedback and they come with a money back guarantee if they’re fake they get sent back and I get my money back. Otherwise to me it clearly appears the best way to experiment is with used product which is far less expensive. I don’t expect specific recommendations on cables because one person thinks their tables are wonderful and the next guy says they’re human feces strung together
I would not try a take-home program from a retail store because retail prices on cables or a loony.
If I hook them up and they are an improvement regardless of their origin I have not spent so much money that I really need to worry but again if they are not they are easily returned and I’ll move onto another used set. Thanks again
I would not try a take-home program from a retail store because retail prices on cables or a loony.
If I hook them up and they are an improvement regardless of their origin I have not spent so much money that I really need to worry but again if they are not they are easily returned and I’ll move onto another used set. Thanks again