Goldenear Reference Vs. Focal Sopra #2.....pocket the $5k difference and don't look back?

I've listened to both, and each has its pluses and minuses. Unfortunately, I can't listen to them side by side as they are at different dealers.  :-( 
I listen to a lot of classic rock and I'm not sure the Focals are up for the challenge. The Refs sound a bit fuller (to my ears) and I think adapt better to rock music....especially with the built in subs. 
Obviosly the Focal are GORGEOUS and sound incredible...but for $5k ish more?

Im looking to buy one or the other in the next 30 days. Any advise or input would be helpful.


Triton Reference does everything well. Nothing (IMO) in its price category can best it for bass. As to physical appearance, personally I prefer the Reference over the Focals. I can’t get past the "bent" look.


Also worth mentioning as its relatively recent news, the Golden Ear Triton Reference has won Secrets Speaker of the Year Award.
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Not sure I could describe the Ref’s "refined." I would decribe the Ref’s as "upfront, in your face, ready to rock."
On the refinement scale, I would position them somewhere between a Klipsch Khorn and the Sopras.
JMHO of course....

That's a fine amplifier! I've heard Mcintosh gear at my local dealer and he also carries both brands of speakers your compairing. I personally didn't like the Goldenears as much for music as I did for home theater. I prefer the sound of a conventional speaker for music, even though the GE low frequency extention is excellent. 

Good luck! Happy Holiday's!