Goldenear Reference Vs. Focal Sopra #2.....pocket the $5k difference and don't look back?

I've listened to both, and each has its pluses and minuses. Unfortunately, I can't listen to them side by side as they are at different dealers.  :-( 
I listen to a lot of classic rock and I'm not sure the Focals are up for the challenge. The Refs sound a bit fuller (to my ears) and I think adapt better to rock music....especially with the built in subs. 
Obviosly the Focal are GORGEOUS and sound incredible...but for $5k ish more?

Im looking to buy one or the other in the next 30 days. Any advise or input would be helpful.


FWIW I think golden ear speakers are great. I respect them a lot. I just don’t think they’re giant killers, or necessarily punch substantially above their weight (price) at all (very few speakers actually do).
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kosst_amojan " Mr. Focal schill chiming in... "

Translation is kosst doesn’t understand the advise, can’t explain the advise, or never heard the product under discussion therefore the opinion freely offered to which he responds must be from a shill, an idiot, a liar, or a purveyor of snake oil. He is so predictable by the way kosst I am not afraid of you so you're threats and attacks will have no effect on me.
don't get the GE or Focal love.  listen to some different speakers before you make a decision.  


All in-house designed and hand built in France vs. subwoofers and drivers slapped in a box and made in China.  For that kind of money, only you can decide.  

You could also buy some Sopra demos for $10k or so to bridge the price gap.