Bat Rex Mono Amps with Wilson Maxx II

I am currently using BAT VK-600SE with BAT Rex Preamp with Wilson Maxx IIs. I am considering upgrading to either the BAT Rex mono amps or the VK-655SE and would like to know if anyone has experience with either of these combos or can recommend any other amps for my Wilsons. Thanks.
There will be a trade off I had both the 600se and the 150se both were very good amps. With turntable the 150s just can't be touch, they just sound magical. But with the 600se you have some of the deepest bass that I have hear from any amp. That I have owe. At present I have the Krell 402e and that amp can't touch the 600se in regards to bass.
I run BAT VK600SE into Wilson witt and the bass this combo puts out is truly staggering. I really feel you would sorely miss that deep bass control by going tube.

Its simple though, BAT and Wilson are a combo made in heaven.

Not much help in your particular quest but I have tried other amps with the Wilson's and not one has lit my fire like the big BAT does.