Goldenear Reference Vs. Focal Sopra #2.....pocket the $5k difference and don't look back?

I've listened to both, and each has its pluses and minuses. Unfortunately, I can't listen to them side by side as they are at different dealers.  :-( 
I listen to a lot of classic rock and I'm not sure the Focals are up for the challenge. The Refs sound a bit fuller (to my ears) and I think adapt better to rock music....especially with the built in subs. 
Obviosly the Focal are GORGEOUS and sound incredible...but for $5k ish more?

Im looking to buy one or the other in the next 30 days. Any advise or input would be helpful.


Focal Sopra 2’s and a nice sub to get down to to where the 2's can't reach is the way I’d go.

The OPs post is specific to the Triton Reference, not the T2. The T Refs get down to 12Hz on their own and without the need for an external sub. The Focal 2 only goes down to 28Hz so I suppose a sub would be needed to achieve the same bass response. I guess the real cost difference is even greater than $5K.
OP, just take your favorite music and listen to both and make up your own mind. Just make sure you consider the differences in the pairing electronics and room set up in your final decision. I'm sure you already knew all this.
I just recently found myself in your same situation of choosing between Focal Sopra 2 and the GE Reference.  After hearing both, I choose the Reference.  

To produce the same frequency range as the GE's, I would have needed to buy a sub with the Sopra 2's.  This may not be the case for your room, but I took it into consideration.  

I also prefer the overall sound signature of the Reference, but that may be due to the fact that I have been living with Triton Ones for the last few years.  

If looks played a bigger role in my decision making, I would have bought the Sopra 2's, but I was focused on the best sound for the money.