Best course of action

I’m using a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum 2 integrated amp paired with Vandersteen 2ce Signature speakers and I’m very happy with the sound, but of course I can’t leave well enough alone. I’m considering either adding another amp (solid state) to the low end to biamp the system or adding a good sub. I’ve been told that setting a sub for the bottom 80 hz will not only improve the bass dynamics, but will free up some of the Cronus power for all frequencies above. My musical preferences are jazz, acoustic and classical with some rock and roll, but no really high volume stuff. Opinions? (This system is not being used for home theater.)
Subs add a lot more than merely bass. I use RELs with the main speakers full range like they recommend…used RELs can be found el cheapo here and there if you're patient.
Sounds like the consensus is to add a good sub (or subs) over biamping...I have the luxury of having a good friend who has several closets full of great equipment that he has left behind after upgrading...I'll borrow something from him to try out...:-)...
Thanks for all the feedback...
hifiman...TT, CD changer/recorder, SACD, music server w/JRiver, through an NAD DAC...
@phastrone  OK.  The options for using the Vandersteen 2wq with your integrated amp wouldn't be practical with so many different sources.  Good luck!