20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017

Just a random thought, but I’m curious just how well the state of the art solid-state amplifiers from 20 years ago compare to some of today’s better offerings. For example, what does a pair of Mark Levinson 33Hs or a Krell FPB 600 sound like if compared to the latest offerings from Pass Labs or Ayre Acoustics?
Anybody remember Halcro? They claimed to have the lowest distortion and best sounding amp in the world. Where are they now? Every new amp manufacturer makes the same claim! A lot of B.S. gets thrown around! And the prices keep rising! 
About 20 years ago, I had a Krell KSA-150 that sounded great, first powering a pair of BIC TPR-600s then a pair of B&W 801 Nautilus. I chose it over a Mark Levinson 23.5. Then I had the chance to hear an Ayre V-1, which to my ears sounded more musical. The V-1 was upgraded to a V-1x and then a V-1xe. Each upgrade was audible. Then after a progression of amps, I settled for awhile on a pair of Ayre MX-R Twenties. So, in theory, the MX-Rs should sound Significantly better than the 20 year old Krell. I wish I could directly compare the two.
I tend to agree with willemj (and Peter Walker of Quad). All well-designed amps with sufficiently low output impedance and operated below clipping will sound the same.These claims of superiority over rivals are mainly marketing hype!
Could not disagree more. Class D amps are indeed on the cutting edge and the future. Even better .... powered dacs. Powered dacs with room correction are another huge development. In the future there will be no such thing as a separate, stand alone Amplifier. They will simply be modules built into digital gear. Immense innovation has taken place. In 20 years amp modules will fit in the palm of your hand and be the norm.