what to buy first

If I am buying from scratch and cannot afford to buy an entire system at once.  What should be purchased first?  Speakers, Amp/Pre-amp, etc??   Currently I have music with an inexpensive home theater receiver and small B&W speakers.  I have music but I will be replacing those items and putting them in another room.  
Thank you so much for the above responses.  It is difficult for me to listen equipment in my area.  Are there any good audio shows coming up that I might attend.  I know about RMAF in October, any sooner?
That's a huge room, are you really set on tubes?  I'd get a big pair of maggies and a 400+ watt solid state muscle amp and a pair of subs.  Then invite a bunch of friends over for the concert.  I hope your neighbors don't live too close. Oh yeah get a tube pre if you need something to glow.