YMMV, of course, but what mapman says about the Ohms I completely agree with. They do a good job of telling you what is going on upstream, but they are not so ruthless that poor quality recordings become unlistenable. I think Jonathan Valin of TAS would say the Ohms are "As You Like It" speakers. Yet, I don't feel like I am missing any details. And while the imaging may not be laser-cut, on good recordings, each performer occupies their own space within the sound stage.
I also agree that the Ohms respond well to upstream improvements. I have a pair of subwoofers that cost more than my 2000s. My amplifier, which is in the middle of being upgraded, will have cost about what the speakers did, and my preamp cost significantly more than the 2000s. Yet, I would not consider the Ohms the weak link in my system. Not even close.