Which watts are the right watts in SS amps?

Hello Sports Fans!

More than a few people over the years on these pages have said only those SS amps which double down in output power as impedance drops are truly special or worthy amps. Eg., 200 @ 8ohms; 400 @ 4 ohms; 800 @ 2 ohms; etc.

Not every SS amp made does this trick. Some very expensive ones don’t quite get to twice their 8 ohm rated power when impedance halves to four ohms. BAT, darTZeel, Wells, and Ypsalon to name just a few.

An amps ‘‘soul’’ or it’s ‘voice’ is the main reason why I would opt in on choosing an amp initially and keeping it. Simultaneously , I’d consider its power and the demands of what ever speakers may be intended to be run with it or them.

I’ve heard, 80% of the music we are listening to is made in the first 20wpc! I’m sure there’s some wisdom in there somewhere as many SS amps running AB, are biased to class A Only for a small portion of the total output EX. 10 – 60 wpc of 150 or 250 wpc.

After all, any amps true output levels are a complete mystery when anyone is listening to music anyhow.

I suspect, not being able to actually measure true power consumption, the vast majority of listening sessions revolve around 60wpc or so being at hand with traditional modern reasonably efficient speakers.

Sure, there are those speakers which don’t fit into the traditional loudspeaker power needs mold such as panels or electrostats, and this ain’t about them.

The possibility of clipping a driver is about the only facet in amp to speaker matching which gives a person pause while pondering this or that amplifier.

I feel there is more to how good an amp is than its ability tou double output power with 50% drops in speaker impedance.

However, speakers are demanding more power lately. Many are coming out of the gates with 4 ohm ‘nominal’ IMPs which lower with fluctuations in frequency. Add in larger motors on larger drivers, multiple driver arrays, and on paper these SOTA speakers appear to need more power.

IMHO It is this note which introduces great concern.

I’ve read every article I can find on Vienna Acoustics Music. Each one says give them lots of watts for them to excel.

Many times good sounding speakers I’ve owned sounded better with more power, albeit from arguably a better amp.

I tend to believe having more than an adequate amount of cap power is indeed integral. … naturally the size and type of transformers in play possess a strong vote for an amps ability to successfully mate with speakers.

Controlling a driver’s ability to stop and restart is as well a key to great sound and only strong amplifiers can manage this feat. Usually this gets attributed to ‘damping’ factor, but damping as I read it is more a shadow than a tangible real world figure as it depends on numerous factors. Speaker cable length alone can alter damping factors.

A very good argument exists about those mega watt amps voices. Each 500 or 600 wpc amp or amps, I’ve heard have had stellar voices too, not merely more watts.

So is it predominately these mega watt power house amps souls or their capacities that fuels the speakers presentation?

Would you buy an ‘uber expensive’ amp based more on its voice or soul, than on its ability to output loads of watts, even if you feel the amp may be somewhat under powered for the application?

Choosing this latter option also saves one money as the more powerful amps do cost more than their lower outputting siblings.

Please, share your experiences if possible.

Tanks muchly!

First 5 – 7%? I’ll presume this initial area pertains directly to the scenario you presented, otherwise, isn’t the first 10 – 20% of a class AB amp where one finds Class A functionality, and many adore that area of operation.
@blindjim  Well they do say its all about that 1st watt, but in the case of less efficient speakers it might be about the first 5 watts in the case of some behemoth amps.

(If you've ever heard the maxim that lower powered amps tend to sound better, this is one of the reasons why. IMO, there are some fairly musical low- and mid-powered solid state amps, but there aren't any that are really high powered. As for tube amps, there are very few high powered amps that sound like real music either!)

Class A is helpful for reducing distortion. Most AB solid state amps go from class A to AB within the first watt or so. But even class D amps which operate on a different principle (as well as many push-pull tube amps) have this quality of increased distortion at lower power levels. So even if they were all perfect voltage sources, you would still want to match the efficiency and power handling of the speaker against the low power distortion issues of the amp.

For this reason, I suspect our grandchildren will still be talking about equipment matching- we're not seeming to be solving this issue anytime soon.
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I am curious about the peak/transient power approach to the topic. Apparently
peaks/transients can demand 5-7 times the power of continuous (RMS?) power demands. Hence if an amp is capable of  100 wpc continuous delivery it should muster 700 wpc for those short-time events. How is this realized in practice?
Which amplifiers are built to this spec and how?
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I know about one solution, curious about other.
Hypex Ncore500 are rated 100 watt continuous with the thermal limit of 200 watt.
Peak power is 700 watt into 4 ohms.The peaks can be fairly long, measured in seconds, the limits are thermal.  Some Hypex UCD units go up to hundreds of watt continuous. Those have big radiators both on power supplies and amp modules.