Why don’t you use an APX555 from Audio Precision?
I cant really tell much from an oscilloscope plot and triggering can be tricky.
Triggering is automatic and programmed. It's a programmable scope with special jitter program. It does have some limitations of scaling the axis etc., but useful so far. The newer scopes don't have as many limitations, but they are way more expensive, like buying a house. This particular scope when new was $130K with the jitter software. I purchased it used. The active probes alone are $5K new each.
The AP stuff is great for analog, but this is digital. Even the APX555 only has 1MHz bandwidth. Way too low for digital. Even the clock fundamental can be 49MHz. Edge-rates have GHz components.
The Tek scope I'm using has 7GHz bandwidth. This is 7000 times higher than the AP. This is what is needed for accurate digital measurements.
The newest version of what I have is the DPO70000, which lists for $315K and that is not including the jitter analysis software which will probably be $25K more.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio