No preamp 'Balance' control?

Are preamps made without a Balance control? If so, can you live without control of balance (happily)? Depending on the recording, I make slight balance adjustments to lock everything in balance. Is this some sort of purist approach (if so, why not use a seperate volume control for each channel), or what's up with no balance control?
In advance, thanks!
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Right now I am using a SS pre  that is not quite as good as my 8 tube pre simply because it has a balance control that gives me overall better sound with the limited locations I have in my 800sq ft condo .

schubert - If your SS pre has a tape monitor output or some sort of home theater pass through, you can route your source components through the SS pre and then into the tube pre, adjusting the balance in the SS and volume in the tube pre.  Hopefully, both are quiet enough that the elevated noise floor won't be an issue, or, at least, less of an issue than your current situation.
Thanks bondmanp, I'll give that a try . My SS pre is still very good though .